It's been about 3 months since my last post, and that is mostly because I've been struggling. A lot. I've been finding sticking to my guns, particularly around food choices, really hard. I've been quite lucky in that I've managed to keep my weight stable at somewhere between 79.5kg and 81kg, and I believe that's only because I've kept up with my exercise plan, but that's not good enough anymore. I have to do better, for my health and for my confidence.
So how do I get back on track? Summertime is always hard for me; the heat and pollen means my energy is low and I rarely feel particularly well (people think hay fever is a joke of an illness, but believe me; until you've suffered with it you just don't get it. It's like having a mild flu for months on end). The heat also often leads to ice cream binges (I've just discovered Oreo ice cream sandwiches, and honestly I could see them becoming my new summer best friend) and beer garden trips. That being said, I've a wedding to go to at the end of August, and I am making it my mission to get into a nice new dress for the occasion, and I'm going to do that by doing the following:
1. Keeping on the exercise plan
2. Making better food choices
3. Not giving in to every temptation
4. Being more sensible with booze
5. Not giving up whenever I stumble a bit
It's gonna be hard. It's gonna be sweaty. It's gonna be frustrating at times. But when I post the picture of my outfit for the wedding, it's going to be BRILLIANT.