Wednesday, 1 January 2014


Happy New Year everyone!

If, like me, you totally disregarded my last post and ate and drank like there wasn't going to be a tomorrow over the Christmas and New Year period, you're probably feeling pretty bloated, lethargic and down/mad at yourself because of all the pounds you've probably lumped back on. (I can't weigh in til I'm back at work tomorrow, but I would honestly not be surprised with about 10lbs damage...) Well, feel free to kick your down-ness/madness right in it's stupid face; Christmas and New Year gain is not the end of the world. Yes, it's a definite setback, and yes, it could've been avoided, but it's done now so there's no point crying over scoffed mince pies. Feeling down or angry will only have you reaching for the selection box leftovers, so pick yourself up and get right back on the healthy horse!

This doesn't work for everyone, but I actually find the odd pig out quite helpful, in that it reminds me how crap over-eating can make me feel, and actually re-motivates me for going to the gym and whatnot. I'm in a very good place today to be getting control of my eating and drinking back and for setting myself some goals.

The biggest problem with New Year's resolutions is that most people create nigh-on impossible goals that just set you up for instant failure. So, I've tried to create small, achievable goals for myself, and here they are:

1. The Weight Thing
I don't want to say that I'll lose x amount by y date, because if I don't do it I'll get all sad and eat-y. So, instead my resolutions weight-wise are to make more effort to control myself at weekends and special occasions, try to exercise more (either at the gym or using the fitness DVDs I have gathering dust on my shelf) and to start taking waist, hip, arm and thigh measurements so that I don't rely solely on the scales to tell me how I'm doing. I have a pair of Dorothy Perkins denim shorts (size 16, though a fairly small 16, more a 15 if you ask me!) that I haven't been able to fit in since my wedding in May 2011, and so I also have designs to get those bad boys back on by the warmer months to show off my pins!

2. The Work Thing
Those that know me know I am currently in a fun, nice department in what is unfortunately a fairly dead-end admin job. Not much room for progression or promotion, and it's not like I really want to be in admin all my life anyway. So, this year will be the year I actually take time to research jobs/career paths I might actually like to get into, and see if I can take steps to get closer to it.

3. Promoting My Podcast
Y'all know I'm a nerd. What you might not know is that I do a monthly podcast called Stacey's Pop Culture Parlour, in which myself and a guest co-host discuss all the stuff we've seen/read/heard lately. I'm pretty happy with my little show, but 2014 will be the year I actually try to promote it so there's more than just 3 or 4 listeners :P

That'll do methinks. I have some little goals (picking up my daily photoblog again, learning German, attempting a no booze month here and there, doing another 10k etc) but these are The Big Three. Here's hoping we all stick to them this year, eh?!

To leave you with a little inspiration (and finally a photo as promised back in my first post); below is a progress picture I made last year to encourage myself to keep going:

What you're seeing here is me at Thought Bubble Comic Con in November 2011 (I don't remember my weight exactly but it was around 15st) on the left, and on the right is me in my hallway in April 2013 (again, not sure of the exact weight but it's somewhere around 13 and a half stone). I wholeheartedly recommend making a photo like this; seeing yourself in the mirror every day means you don't often notice just how drastic a change you've made, but seeing it side by side like this is pretty encouraging :) I think at some stage this year I might throw the outfit on the left on again and take a piccy from the same angle, just for comparison's sake!

Anyhoo, that's enough rambling; I hope you all had a wonderful Christmas and New Year, and wish you all a happy, fun and healthy 2014!

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